Fergese Tirone is one of the most authentic ones of Albanian traditional food and very typical of the capital city .
Fergese Tirone is a meat dish . Meat dishes are by far the most ubiquitous meal you’ll find in Albania. Almost all meat dishes are served with bread and/or rice, as well as some greens.
The recipe of is very old and it was created as a result of mixing the most common ingredients produced by the locals at the time such as the cottage cheese, red pepper , bay ,olive oil etc.
Are there other Tirana’s traditional dishes you’d like to enjoy but you don’t know how , take a City and Food Tour of Tirana and get a local taste .
Simple steps for preparing the dish:
1.In a frying pan with hot oil we pour the liver cut in small pieces and fry them until the liquid vaporise and leave them aside
.2.In the frying pan we add oil again and fry the onions cut in slices until they get a yellow colour.
3.After the onions are fried we add the flavor and keep steering .
4.Add the hot gravy ,the cottage cheese and keep steering for a few minutes.
5.Add the liver ,hot pepper ,garlic and after mixing we put them in the clay pan.
6.Put them in the preheated oven until the oil gets on top.
500 g liver (or meat)
500 d cottage cheese
2 onions
1 garlic
1 spoon of flavor
Hot shredded pepper
250 g of gravy
4-5 spoons of olive oil